

This Eclass characterizes the concept of a data subject, who is the natural person the privacy-relevant data (personal data) relates to. In many prviacy usecases, data subjects have to consent to the processing of their personal data. This PrivacyDSL supports consenting to specific uses (the same uses that the data processor's "use" pertains to).

"Data Subject: The natural person a personal data relates to." (source)


Name Type Cardinality Description
dataSubjectName EString 0..1 Specifies a textual name for the data subject. There is currently no unique naming scheme, but e.g. X.509 DNs or a XML namespace convention could be used.


Name Target Containment Cardinality Opposite Description
consent ConsentToPurpose Yes *

Specifies the particular use(s) (i.e. purposes) the data subject consents to with respect to the privacy-relevant (i.e. personal) data.