

Describes numerous information uses for "termination" (i.e. the information use purpose terminates) as a text strings and references. The strings values can be a structured namespace (taxonomy). In later versions of the PrivacyDSL, this could be specified more precisely using EEnum with various specific options. While it is possible to fill in several attributes, it may be preferable to only fill in a single one and set the others to NULL, and instead have a separate reference from the InformationUse EClass to this EClass.


Name Type Cardinality Description
terminateFurtherProcessing EBoolean 0..1 Specifies whether the "termination" pertains to further processing (Boolean TRUE) or to direct processing (Boolean FALSE, default value). While this flag can be set in the current draft of the PrivacyDSL, its utility is unclear and this may be removed in future versions.
termination EString 0..1 Describes the "termination" as a text string. The strings value can be a structured namespace (taxonomy). In later versions of the PrivacyDSL, this could be specified more precisely using EEnum with various specific options.


Name Target Containment Cardinality Opposite Description
terminateUse InformationUse Yes * Specifies the information uses the "termination" pertains to.