

This EClass defines the information flow destination.


Name Type Cardinality Description
infoFlowDestinationDescription EString 0..1 Informal textual description about the information flow destination.
infoFlowDestinationName EString 0..1 Specifies the name of the information flow destination. This can be informal text, a unique shared namespace, an X.509 DN etc.
infoFlowDestinationSystemType EString 0..1 Description of the type of system the information flow destination runs on. Can be informal text or based on a shared namespace (taxonomy).
infoFlowSourceComment EString 0..1 Informal textual comment about the information flow destination.


Name Target Containment Cardinality Opposite Description
dataController DataController Yes 0..1 Specifies the data controller responsible for the the information flow destination.
dataProcessor DataProcessor Yes * Specifies the data processor handling the privacy-relevant information at the information flow destination.
privacyProtectionMechanisms PrivacyProtectionMechanism Yes * Reference(s) to the privacy protection mechanism(s) applied to the information flow destination.